I like including a photo on my resume...what are your thoughts?I would not recommend putting your photo on a resume. You want your resume to be viewed objectively without any potential for personal bias from the reader. What if they don’t like how you look so therefore just don’t even read your resume. Alternatively, they might really like how you look and you land an interview based on your looks rather than your skills.
To mitigate the risks of personal bias whether it be to age, gender, race, or physical appearance – you don’t want to include a photo on your resume for the same reason you would not include your height, weight, or religious beliefs on it.There are exceptions to this rule – TV news anchors and reporters, actors/actresses, models – for obvious reasons.
"An employer may not base hiring decisions on stereotypes and assumptions about a person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information," statement from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website. [1]
According to JobFairy.com, to ensure EEOC compliance many companies will not even consider resumes which include a photo of the applicant.

Contact a professional resume / job search strategist today!

Ramsey Penegar is an executive resume & job search strategist and is certified by the Professional Association of Resume Writers. She has developed more than 700 resumes for executives all over the United States and for international clients as well. With more than 10 years experience in marketing and sales, she has the skills to build effective job search marketing campaigns and attention-getting resumes and cover letters.
I have read your complete article in which you have described a should i used a photograph in a resume. Wow! Its a brilliant post i want to thank you for sharing this topic. I think it is not good to mention a photo on resume because its bad impact on resume. If you want to get more tips of course you will find a best travel services. I think you can also book a Cheap Airline Tickets in a reasonable rates.